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Tamagoyaki is a Japanese dish similar to an omelet. It’s scrambled eggs a little thicker than crepes rolled into layers. It’s those little egg rolls in the photo above. It can be a bit tricky to make but if you have a flat rubber spatula (for baking) and patience then you can easily master it. It took me a couple of fails to get a hang of it. The secret is in pouring the egg in batches, rolling it slowly so it doesn’t rip and making sure the new batch you pour in cooks into the last.

Tamagoyaki Recipe:

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Weekly Salad Prep. (via Herbivore Meals)

Ah see that’s what I’ve been doing wrong! The secret is in the paper towel =)

Weekly Salad Prep. I think I’ve mentioned my storage method for lettuce before, but I thought I’d clarify using my newly acquired salad greens as an example. Rather than simply rinsing I prefer to soak the greens in cool water with some Grapefruit seed extract added to it. I use about 9 drops in a salad spinner full of water, it’s not critical. This crisps them up and cleans them quite effectively. Then I lift our the basket, dump the water, and spin the greens dry … Read More

via Herbivore Meals


One way of doing Soboro is like this:

To know more about the history, culture and context of this dish have a look here. Maki is half Japanese, so she would know more about this than me – her recipes always have cultural snippets and she explains the techniques well. She also posted a soboro recipe there.

My quick version of soboro, for bentos and quick dinners.

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Sweet potato two ways: Daigakuimo & Camote Cue

Here is a sugar fried sweet potato called Daigakuimo

In the Philippines, we have a snack called “Camote(sweet potato) cue”. It’s similar to the recipe above except its sold skewered without soy sauce, sesame seeds, and they are sliced larger (3/4″ to 1.5″ in thickness). It usually has more sugar and is deep fried.

Adding a que/cue/q at the end is a play on the American BBQ. There are many street food Continue reading